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Analyzing latest trends and strategies in building next generation web apps

A source for innovative articles and concepts trending in web developement

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What We Do?

We have seen web development strategies come and go throughtout the years and choosing the next technology stack can be essential for success. Deciding on which web technology stack can take a lot of research but we provide solutions and ideas that are trending and sure to be successful in today's market.


You don't need a large team of developers to start a new web app these days, all you need is a good foundational starting point. The trick to a successful start is observing the trends and picking the right stack to get started.


This site is source for learning and discovering what trends are the best strategies to date in web development. Development should be exciting and leverage platforms that help you excel in your next business oportunity or app project. Let new and trending insight guide your next project.


We have a strong passion for the open-source community, which has powered just about all web apps you see. We believe in sharing knowledge and skills to help you on your next web app goals.

A creative source for discovering latest trending web technologies

You don’t have to manage large development teams to make big ideas happen. We found that smaller and more precise development is far more efficient and manageable.

By using technologies and development strategies that streamline a lot of boilerplate and maintenence time, you can focus on building your business idea.